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We accept Mastercard®, Mastercard® Debit, Visa®, Visa® Debit, American Express®, Apple Pay®, Google Pay®, Clear Pay®, Paypal® and Paypal® Credit.


Our website is SSL secured using the highest levels of encryption.

Our payment gateways are Square® & Paypal® which are both hackerproof using the highest levels of SSL encryption.

Rest assured we do not have access to your card and/or payment details these details are processed by Square® & Paypal®.

We are *PCI / *DSS & *GDPR compliant and as such do not have access to any of our customers payment details (*for more information see privacy policies page).

You will be billed discreetly in the name of JTT Ltd.

UK 20% VAT is included within all displayed pricing within the website - our registered VAT No. 326 9691 64.

If you cancel your order and have paid using a debit/credit card via Square® payment provider we reserve the right to deduct the card processing fee (1.1% to 2.7% dependant on destination of country).

As from 01.01.2021 post brexit, EU customers will not be charged VAT by ourselves - you will be responsible for taxes and/or duties in your country.


USA, CAN & ROW are not charged tax by ourselves - you will be responsible for taxes and/or duties in your country.


NB: We no longer accept cheques or postal orders.


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